Riverfly Census

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Salmon and Trout Conservation UK

Nick Measham, project manager of Salmon and Trout Conservation UK, joined our annual general meeting as guest speaker in March 2017.  Nick gave us a fascinating presentation on the Riverfly Census.

83% of English rivers fail the test of “good ecological status” as defined by European environmental legislation, including the Whitewater.  Understanding how and why the riverfly numbers are declining is the first step in the process of safeguarding the aquatic environment.  Consequently, Salmon and Trout Conservation UK is undertaking this important survey on rivers across the UK.  We look forward to reporting the results of this work, as they are published.

Annual General Meeting

Whitewater Valley Preservation Society logo

The Whitewater Valley Preservation Society held its Annual General Meeting at Heckfield Village Hall on Friday, 17th March 2017.

The packed meeting of members and guests received reports on the Society’s work, the Treasurer’s Report and re-elected the Committee.